Monday, March 22, 2010

Class Notes for 3-13-10

In John’s class, we saw the beginning of an art exhibit for the visual art teachers. We had discussions for possible dates and sites for the show. Several people brought in examples of their work, which enabled us to have some idea of the nature of what will be exhibited, and determine the best way to display all the pieces. Because there will be many different types of work, we could find it difficult to make all the artworks fit as a cohesive unit.

In Lisa’s class, it was a relief to get an understanding of the research project. The group I am in chose to study how technology can impact student achievement. We decided to try to determine how lessons can be impacted with the use of videos. We will select two classes to teach a lesson to. One group of students will experience a lesson with the help of a movie, and the other group will not. The comparison of the two groups should be interesting.


  1. Hey Howard. I wrote out the action research on my blog. Check it out and please give some input.

  2. Joel, I read your research and I thought it was well constructed and that the students artworks definitely made your point as to how technology can improve student performance. I would like to see the video you made for action research.
