Sunday, December 13, 2009

A Whole New Mind- Chapter One

I was rereading Pink’s chapter one, Right Brain Rising, to refresh my memory about this chapter. A great deal of the information I knew before ever reading this book, such as the brain being divided into two separate hemispheres ; each hemisphere controls the opposite side of the body, and each half computes information differently.
Pink points out how the two hemispheres work in concert with each other on page 25, and notes that one section without the other would be awful. My thoughts on this subject are it would not be advantageous to have one of the hemispheres significantly less developed than the other. Such people could and do function, but when both parts of the brain are working equally, then higher levels of functioning can be achieved.
Pink points out how the left-brain style of thinking has been in a greater demand because the needs of our society have deemed it necessary, but the right-brain style of thinking will be in greater demand in the future, because our needs will have changed. I would like to know if there has been a time in history when right-brain style of thinking was more prevalent. It would seem the renaissance was a time in history when both styles of thinking were equally appreciated.

1 comment:

  1. I agree. This is a great book and should be the bread and meat of the way we think. It really sets apart the the yesterday from the now and the future.
